Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Don’t let them continue to steal your VOTE!

Hi DCNF Members: We had a fascinating Club meeting Monday. Ion Sancho provided a riveting account of current legislative issues involving voting rights and Fair Redistricting.


Current Republican gerrymandered districts are designed to "steal votes". Why else would a state voting district that stretches from here to Jacksonville, have a slim finger that sticks into Leon County? Some five or six thousand Leon County voters are assured of having their votes negated by this legislative trickery.


As most of you know there are citizen sponsored Fair District Amendments on the ballot this year. However, incumbent legislators in their desperate attempt to keep power are pushing to place on the ballot competing, contradictory ballot measures they hope will muddle the waters, confuse voters and cancel out any real meaningful changes.


DCNF Members Urged to TAKE ACTION on SJR 2288 and HJR 7231 to urge our legislative members to kill these anti-democratic bills.


Tuesday night, the House passed HJR 7231 along party lines. State Representative Michelle Rehwinkle Vasilinda voted AGAINST the resolution; Senator Al Lawson is IN FAVOR of the resolution. DCNF members are urged to oppose HJR 7231.


1. Voice your opposition quickly and easily at: http://ga4.org/campaign/SJR2288.


2. Write a "Zing" or a letter to your newspaper.


3. Call, email, or write the Legislative Leaders below to tell them that you "oppose SJR 2288 because it weakens the standards of FairDistrictsFlorida.org Amendments 5 and 6":


Senator Al Lawson

228 Senate Office Building

404 South Monroe Street

Tallahassee, FL 32399-1100


(NOTE: Call Josh Robinson at Lawson's campaign office: 222-0710; (cell) 205-546-0013; or email at: jrobinson@allawsonforcongress.com)


Senator Jeff Atwater, President

Florida Senate

312 Senate Office Building

404 South Monroe Street

Tallahassee, FL 32399-1100

(850) 487-5100



Representative Larry Cretul, Speaker

Florida House of Representative

420 The Capitol

402 South Monroe Street

Tallahassee, FL 32399-1300

(850) 488-1450



Senator Mike Haridopolos, Chair

Reapportionment Committee

420 Senate Office Building

404 South Monroe Street

Tallahassee, FL 32399-1100

(850) 487-5056



Representative Dean Cannon, Chair

Select Policy Council on Strategic & Economic Planning

422 The Capitol

402 South Monroe Street

Tallahassee, FL 32399-1300

(850) 488-2742



(See full text of Amendments 5 & 6 at http://www.fairdistrictsflorida.org .; "google" SJR 2288 and HJR 7231 to read the text of the resolutions.)

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